Untitled (black), 2022, silkscreen, 76,5 x 106,5 cm

Untitled (green), 2022, acrylic on aluminium, 43 x 2360 cm ©Marieke Boon

Untitled (indigo), 2021, acrylic on aluminium, 103 x 102 cm (sold)

Selected as one of the 15 finalists in ART MATTERS 5 galerie Biesenbach (DE)

Study (blue, black & light grey), 2021, plexi, magnetic coil, mixed media, 98 x 103 cm

Untitled (blue, black & light grey), silkscreen, edition: 3, 65 x 50cm

Untitled (Shift red & blue), 2020, acryl on MDF and wall 58 x 1,7 x 1,8 cm

Untitled (ochre on sand grey), 2022, silkscreen on MDF 8 x 13 x 1,8 cm (in the collection of the artist)
Untitled (dark blue on sand grey), 2022, silkscreen on MDF 8 x 13 x 1,8 cm (in the collection of the gallery)
Untitled (light blue on sand grey), 2022, silkscreen on MDF 8 x 13 x 1,8 cm (in the collection of the gallery)

Untitled (oak), 2019, oak panel, 50 x 20 cm (in the collection of the artist)

Untitled (green & black), 2019, 2 enamel panels, 80 x 64 cm (sold)

Untitled (yellow & grey), 2019, acrylic on mdf, 61 x 80 cm (sold)

Untitled (cyan & grey), 2019, acrylic on mdf, 61 x 80 cm (sold)

Untitled (red & grey), 2019, acrylic on mdf, 42 x 61 cm

Untitled (black & grey), 2019, acrylic on mdf, 42 x 61 cm